Taking Your Pharmacy Position to the Next Level

Whether you’ve been working in your pharmacy for just a week, or for months or years, it’s never too early (or too late) to start thinking about “the next level.”

If you want to advance in your career, follow the tips below to get noticed by higher ups, either at your current employer or at another:

Embrace the entrepreneurial spirit. 
It’s wise to always think of yourself as an entrepreneur, always “selling” your latest “product” to the best buyer. Your product?  You.

Take control of what you can control.
That’s your attitude. Your willingness to do more than is required. To do the task-at-hand as well as the next.  And, to continually expand your knowledge and expertise.

Speak up.
Once you’ve been on the job for a while, you’ll probably notice one or two things that could be done better (or done at all, if no one is now doing them). Report your ideas to your boss (have a plan to implement them, too). This shows you as a far-sighted thinker.

Work at being a team player.
Sure, this is a cliché, but it’s become a cliché because it’s true. Aim to get alone with everyone you work with. You don’t have to become best friends, or even friendly. But, you must get along with everyone. Respect everyone. If you have a problem with someone, there’s a wealth of information online to help you “get along” with a difficult co-worker.

Be a problem solver.
No one is hired by a pharmacy because the pharmacy has some extra money hanging around and it feels benevolent. Pharmacies hire pharmacists and pharm techs to solve problems (the “problem” of dispensing the correct drugs, the “problem” of providing great customer service, etc.). Work with your co-workers to solve problems and come up with solutions.

Focus on patient care.
As mentioned above, good customer service to your patients is paramount when working as a pharmacist or pharm tech. You must be visible and available to your patients. Never forget that you often are the liaison between their physician and their health due to the medications you dispense as well as your explanation of the benefits, risks and possible side effects.

Are you looking for a new pharmacy position?
Whether you’re hoping for a new pharmacy job in your current city or across the country, contact a recruiter at Rx relief®.  We look forward to hearing from you!