Clinical, Retail, Hospital, Call Center – the Choice is Yours

As a pharmacist – or a soon-to-be pharmacist – you have a number of options in choosing the setting where you want to work. They can range from retail pharmacy (otherwise known as your friendly neighborhood drugstore), to large hospitals, where the duties of the job can be quite different. Here is a look at some of the different places pharmacists work and what is involved.
Retail Pharmacy
This is the drugstore setting that many people are familiar with. It is where most pharmacists work. Pharmacists in this setting wear two hats, that of a health professional and also a retailer. As most know, these places have a retail storefront and a drug dispensary area. There are legal guidelines that pharmacists have to follow in the drug dispensing area, governing how the drugs should be stored, what texts need to be on hand, and what equipment is needed.
In the past, pharmacists spent more of their time preparing medications. These days, however, pharmacy technicians aid with this task, allowing pharmacists more time with patients. Today, pharmacies look a lot like grocery stores – or may actually be located in a grocery store – offering a wide array of products.
Clinical Pharmacist
Clinical pharmacists provide direct care to patients by optimizing the use of medication and creating a comprehensive drug therapy plan specific to the needs of the individual patient. They establish goals for the drug therapy and review all medications before they are given to the patient.
Clinical pharmacists can work in various settings, but this specialty began in hospitals and clinics. Clinical pharmacists often work with physicians and other healthcare professionals. They even go along on patient care rounds.
Hospital Pharmacist
Pharmacists in hospitals often have to deal with more complex management of medications, as opposed to those in retail settings, where business and customer relations issues are more prominent.
Because pharmacists in hospitals deal with more complex medication regimens, as well as dealing with the effectiveness of treatment programs, safety, and compliance issues, they often have advanced education and training. This may take the form of a pharmacy practice residency. Also, many hospital pharmacists specialize in a certain area, such as hematology/oncology, infectious disease, critical care, pain management, or pediatrics, and other areas.
Call Center Pharmacist
As the name states, these pharmacists deal with issues over the telephone, relating to pharmacological issues or insurance issues. These pharmacists may deal with pharmacies or physicians.
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