Are You on Track for Your Yearly Career Goals? Or Behind the Pack Already?

We are all familiar with the infamous IRS audit, the process by which the IRS goes over your taxes to assess whether you have fulfilled your obligation to Uncle Sam.

Businesses conduct audits of their finances as well to see how they are doing and where they need to improve.

Just as organizations conduct audits, individuals need to do the same, assessments of their career and how it is progressing. Here are some tips on how to do such a career audit.

Where are you now?

What is your perception of the healthcare job you have now? Do you find it challenging, fulfilling? Is the pay what you want? Is this where you thought you would be at this time in your career?

Look at your current job through the lens of your ideal situation. How do they differ, and what do you need to do to get to your ideal job?

Create goals.

Have you taken the time to set up career goals for yourself? If you havenā€™t, your career audit is the time to establish some objectives for where you ultimately want to be. Think about what drives you.

Do you like tackling new challenges, working on the cutting edge of healthcare making discoveries or does monetary reward give you the most satisfaction? Determining where your true desires are will help you to set your career goals.

Do some research.

Look at the pharmacy profession. What is going on; what are the trends and opportunities? What you find may influence your goals.

Do you need training?

To get where you want to go, you may need more training. Perhaps in a pharmacy specialty area. This is the time to plan where, when and how you will go about getting it.

Develop a plan and write it up.

After you have established your goals, you need to develop a plan on how to achieve them. This is a step-by-step outline of the actions you will take.

Keep networking.

This is something you should be doing all the time, not just when you are looking for a job. Other pharmacists can be good sources of information about trends and opportunities.

Looking for a great pharmacy career?

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