These Daily Habits Have Big Impacts on Your Pharmacy Career

To make your pharmacy career as successful as possible, there are certain habits you should adopt, habits that will enable you to improve the quality and quantity of your work. Here are six important habits.
1. Being proactive
There is a lot in life and in our work that we cannot control. Unforeseen events happen, and problems occur. But to the extent that we are able, we need to be proactive. Instead of reacting to things as they occur and constantly putting out fires, we need to set goals and make plans for achieving them.
Get in the habit of looking ahead and seeing where problems might come up and then take steps to prevent the issues from happening.
2. Setting priorities
Some days, you are really busy, but you don’t feel like you have accomplished that much at the end of the day. The reason may be that you are caught up in putting out fires and handling unimportant tasks. You need to set priorities. The top priority goes to tasks that you consider to be the most important and urgent, then those that are important but not so urgent. Don’t mistake the urgent for the important.
3. Creating situations where everyone benefits
If there is a problem or a task, look for solutions or courses of action that will benefit everyone involved as much as you can. For example, when a pharmacy technician comes to you with a problem, rather than simply dictating an answer, take time to listen to their concerns and get their input on how to approach the problem.
4. Delegating work
Delegating tasks is a way to reduce a heavier workload so that you can spend more time on the most important tasks. It also helps to improve the morale of your team and enhance their skill level.
5. Taking time to listen
Effective listening is as much a part of good communication as clear speaking and writing. Too often, we hear but don’t listen. We don’t take the time to really try and understand what the other person is saying and what their concerns are. It involves asking questions and probing for information.
5. Continuous learning
In this day and age, when knowledge is growing exponentially, we need to be lifelong learners. Getting into this habit is essential to keep up with the rapid pace of change taking place in healthcare.
Build Your Career with Rx relief
At Rx relief, we focus on the elements that make each person unique. We solicit feedback continually to make our service responsive to your needs. Rx relief has been rated among the Best of Staffing firms by ClearlyRated. If you are looking for a pharmacy position, give Rx relief a call today.